IoT and Big Data Laboratory (N104)

Location Type of Lab Total Pcs
N104 IoT and Big Data Laboratory22 Units
Person in Charge:
Lecturer in Charge:
Computer :
Mr Leong Yee Fee
Ts Wong Chee Siang
20 units (Student) + 1 unit (Instructor) + 1 unit (Backup) 

Table : 24 Units 

Chair : 24 Units 

White Board : 2 Units

Printer : 0 Unit
LCD Projector Screen : 1 Units

Operating System :Microsoft Windows 11 Professional 64 bit 23H2
Software :

1. 7-Zip 21.07 (x64)

2. Adobe Acrobat (64-bit) 24.002.20759

3. Anaconda3 2024.02-1 (Python 3.11.7 64-bit)

4. Android Studio Hedgehog 2023.1

5. Atom 1.58.0

6. Blender 3.2.1

7. Cisco Packet Tracer 6.2 Student

8. Git 2.46.2

9. GitHub

10. Google Chrome 130.0.6723.92

11. IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3

12. IP Calculator Bitcricket 1.0.0

13. Java 8 Update 192 (64-Bit) 8.0.1920.12

14. Java(TM) SE Development Kit 11.0.4 (64-Bit)

15. Macromedia Director MX 2004

16. Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 - en-us

17. Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007

18. Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (64-bit)

19. Microsoft Teams Meeting 1.24.13005

20. Microsoft Visual Studio Code (User) 1.89.1

21. MongoDB SSL (64-bit)

22. Mozilla Firefox (x64 en-US) 96.0.3

23. MySQL Connector Python 8.0.31

24. MySQL Workbench Community 8.0.31

25. Nmap 5.21

26. Node.js 20.18.0

27. Notepad++ (64-bit x64) 8.2.1

28. Oracle VM VirtualBox 7.0.18

29. Postman x86_64 11.16.0

30. PuTTY release 0.76 (64-bit)

31. PyCharm Community Edition 2022.2.2

32. Python 3.11.1 (64-bit)

33. R for Windows 4.4.1

34. Reboot Restore Rx v3.3

35. RStudio 2024.04.2+764

36. Sandboxie 5.31.6 (64-bit)

37. Unity 2021.3.7f1

38. Unity Hub 3.2.0

39. Visual Studio Enterprise 2022

40. VMware Player 16.2.1

41. WinHex 16.7 x86

42. Wireshark 4.0.2 64-bit

43. Eclipse IDE 2020-06 (4.16.0)

44. Eclipse Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)

45. Eclipse Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)

46. Jupyter Notebook (Anaconda3)

47. Kali Linux 2020 (VirtualBox image)

48. eagle_server_v20 (VMware image)

49. IBM COGNOS 10 (VMware image)

50. Oracle 21c

51. Cloudera Hadoop (VirtualBox image)

52. Filezilla FTP

53. VNC Viewer 4.1.3

54. OpenCV 4.6.0

55. Bitcricket IP Calculator 1.0.2007.1030

56. Cisco myPlanNet

57. Cisco Aspire-CCNA

58. GNS

59. Wildpackets Omnipeeks (VirtualBox image)

60. Telnet/FTP server (VirtualBox image)

61. ClickCharts Diagram Flowchart Software 9.00

62. GanttProject 3.2.3240

63. Mendix

64. Composer - PHP Dependency Manager

65. XAMPP 8.2.12-0

66. Docker Desktop 4.26.1

67. Microsoft PowerBI Desktop (x64) 2.129.905.0

68. Ubuntu 22.04.4 (VMware image)

69. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - 20.2

Hardware:1. LCD Projector
2. Network-attached storage (NAS)
3. 24-Port 10Gigabit Switch