During Industrial Training

You may be asked to drop your industrial training if you have failed too many subjects that your credits do not add up to 54.

General Important Issues:

  • Professional Issues.
    • Be punctual to work. 
    • No annual leave (under MOHE directives, only emergency leave) 
    • Emergency leave can't be more than 6 days 
    • Be Professional 
    • Discipline issues will result in your failure (grade F) in industrial training. (e.g. not showing up at work, damage properties of company, stealing, cheating, etc) 
    • Please refer to section 5.2.2 of the Industrial Training Manual
    • Sexual harassment 
    • Occupational Safety and Health Act 
      • Not provided with safety gadgets at places with high risk 
      • Any risk that may endanger interns while carrying out duties assigned by the company. 
      • Not provided with adequate information / briefing on high risk job functions.
  • Safety Issues.
    • Don't drive if you are NOT good at driving. Politely refuse the request of the company if you don't know how to drive well. 
    • Students are required to observe "SAFETY FIRST" in all compliance of the assignments at the request of the Industrial Training company. 
    • The student concerned has to immediately approach the Supervisor-in-charge and express his/her concern on the safety issues whenever he/she reasonably foresees the same. 
    • The Supervisor-in-charge may, with the consultation of higher authority, decide and exercise his discretionary power whether the assignment are imminent danger to the student. 
    • Female students are highly encouraged to take extra precaution and extra reasonable care for them selves to make sure for safer environment. 
    • Seek assistance if you encounter any problem relating to your training (e.g. conduct of staff in the company, sickness or accident occurs during the industrial training period that requires intensive medical care) communicate directly as soon as possible with 
      • Your in-house supervisor OR inform the company AND 
      • Your UTAR supervisor OR 
      • Head of Department OR 
      • Deputy Dean in-charge of Industrial Training/ Dean

Industrial Training Visitation - Updated 10 Nov 2017:

1.Visitation Process (Before Visitation)

  • Visiting lecturer will contact the interns through email or phone, in order to set a visitation appointment. 
  • Interns please inform his/her site supervisor about the date and time of the visitation. If the site supervisor is not available, interns should get another representative of the company. 
  •  As we are using the industrial training portal, kindly filled all the necessary forms in the portal. 
    • Company Supervisors 
    • On Job Portfolio 
    • Industrial Training Report
    • Presentation 
    • Visitation Report
      Before the visitation, interns need to prepare the presentation and print out ONE form on the visitation report. 
      Failure in doing the above steps WILL RESULT IN DISICPLANRY ACTION. 
  • Please prepare about 10 PowerPoint slides to present: 
    • Company Background 
    • Job function 
    • What has been done by the intern during the industrial training 
    • What has the intern learn in the industrial training (things that intern has not learnt in UTAR. Both soft skills (Eg: Team Work) and technical skills (Eg: PHP)).
    • What intern has applied in the industrial training (things that an intern has learnt from UTAR. Eg: C language, Cisco router Configuration).

2.Visitation Process (During Visitation)

  • Consider Prepare all the documents as stated above 
  • Hand in the visitation report with company stamp on it before the presentation to visiting lecturer. 
  • Visiting lecturer will make assessment on intern's oral presentation 
  • Brief discussion with site supervisor (optional) 
  • Brief discussion with interns 
  • WARNING: Failure to fill in the forms in portal before visitation may result in failure in industrial training.

3.Your Grades

  • Please take note that the grading is done via the portal.
  • Industrial Training Report - Key in the report in your portal, the visiting supervisor will grade your report in the portal.

    Site Supervisor Evaluation - Key in by your site supervisor to the portal. 

    Presentation - Grade is keyed in by your visiting supervisor to the portal, when he/she visits you on site.

  • You are NOT required to hand in a hardcopy report.

4.Guideline on how to fill in the forms:

  • Supervisor Evaluation Form
  • To be fill in by your company site supervisor in his/her FICT Industrial Training Portal (under "Supervisor Evaluation" section). This account 40% of industrial training grade.

  • Presentation Marking Scheme
  • Please complete your "Presentation" section in your FICT Industrial Training Portal before industrial visitation. It will be evaluated by visiting lecturer in his/her Industrial Training Portal (under "Presentation" section) during industrial visitation. This account 20% of industrial training grade.

  • Visitation Report - For Visiting Lecturer
  • Please create and fill in "Visitation Report" in your FICT Industrial Training Portal. Print out the form. Remember help the visiting lecturer to stamp company cop on the form. You are required to submit this form to your visiting lecturer when they visit you.

End of Industry Training (Marking Scheme)

Final Report (40%) - Via the portal

The grade is filled in by your visiting lecturer in his/her Industrial Training Portal. 

Company supervisor evaluation (40%) - Via the portal

The grade is filled in by your company supervisor in his/her Industrial Training Portal.

Presentation (20%) - Via the portal

Evaluated by visiting lecturer from FICT during industrial visitation.